The Poetry Field Guide to Berkeley explores the emotions and experiences of a beloved controversi...
Short Fiction. 'Escape from Houdini Mountain' contains twenty-six escapist reveries and scintilla...
Award-winning poet Justin Chin writes of growing older, grief, loss, comfort and illness, and res...
These concrete narrative poems imbued with Eli Coppola's straightforward, feisty sensibility expl...
A remarkable first fiction collection featuring quirky stories of urban angst and redemption
Absurdity abounds when a curious teenage dweeb longing to be cool meets a charismatic Jesus-freak...
A stunning new work of social realism told in two hundred intricate engravings.
An intimate series of compelling stories that take a no-holds-barred look at sex, gender, family,...
Fanciful Steampunk Vision postcards, created in Paris 1910, colorfully illustrate a future that n...
Themes of vulnerability and power emerge through reflections on family, art, and loss from an awa...
A humorous look at gender, identity, community, and love.
Shocking true pet crime stories that rocked the nation.