Few works of scholarship have so comprehensively recast an existing debate as Chinua Achebe's ess...
An instant bestseller, Sacks's 1985 book argues that, by connecting with their patients and pay a...
Carson's 1962 work Silent Spring was one of the first books ever to highlight environmentalist is...
Before Browning's 1992 book, most Holocaust scholarship focused either on the experience of the v...
Gordon W. Allport's 1954 book The Nature of Prejudice not only helped mold the ways in which psyc...
Culture¿s Consequences was the first study took and in depth look at cultural differences using d...
Published in 1994, The Bell Curve caused uproar. Herrnstein and Murray claim that intelligence is...
Some people imagine that nationhood is as old as civilization itself, but Anderson argues that 'n...
Ways of Seeing is a key art-historical work that continues to provoke widespread debate. Berger f...
Kennedy sought to understand the social, economic, and military forces that shape great powers. W...
In their extensive study of nineteenth-century women's writing, Gubar and Gilbert offer radical r...
Anscombe's 1958 paper challenged the very foundations of moral philosophy, the discipline that tr...