This story is the sequel to the Priscilla trilogy, chronicling the coming-of-age and adventures o...
Priscilla J. Austin has been training as a CIA agent since returning from her first time in Afric...
This story is the prequel in a trilogy about the coming-of-age and adventures of a modern-day sel...
Mystery in Harare is the second installment in the Priscilla trilogy-turned-series.The bride paus...
The Mysterious Affair at the Met: Priscilla Plays in High Cotton in the World of Highly-Valued Wo...
This step-by-step approach is for writers who want to improve their creative writing and publish ...
An all-in-one, 184-page color comprehensive guide to creative writing and self-publishing in vari...
Blackmail, betrayal, lies, rape, addiction, violence, adultery, and even murder...the sidelines h...