Fiction. Unabashedly funny at turns dirty, revolting, tender and sarcastic Daniel S. Libman's sto...
Robert Walker is homeless. He awakes one morning in his box to find half his face paralyzed. In a...
'Karen Heuler's THE SOFT ROOM starts with a provocativepremise and twists its way into unexpected...
If is a novel of ideas. You, the reader, are the nameless protagonist, a young dreamer from north...
Fiction. Chaos will surely ensue when Judith Owen allows her first husband, a jobless jokester of...
Fiction. Will the cheating, will the fraud never end? Breaking News! Biden Ballots! FBI finds nea...
A totally illuminating collection of stories centered around China's Cultural Revolution and its ...
Tartt First Fiction Award Elemental spans six decades following the struggles of two white famili...
Fiction. Poetry. California Interest. Set in San Francisco, the stories and poems in JUNK CITY ar...
Fiction. It's a big day for Joey Hunter, known in his Bronx neighborhood as Hunt. Not only is it ...
Fiction. California Interest. Harry Gnostopolos is frantically trying to keep his beloved indie t...
Fiction. When James Ward, a high- school freshman living in Queens, meets Cornelia Parsons he gai...