The Tales of the Otori end here...Arai Sunaomi has grown into a warrior on the verge of his comin...
Andrew and his friends find themselves in Japan, the source of Space Demons and Skymaze, the comp...
Fire has shaped the Australian landscape and the lives of Australians for thousands of years-and ...
Andrew has never seen a computer game like Space Demons before-a mysterious experiment, captivati...
From the international best-selling author of The DressmakerHigh on the 43rd floor on what she...
'Astonishingly talented... with the true novelist's gift of entering into the imagination of thos...
While British soldiers and settlers colonised Australia, French scientists continued to explore i...
Born in Sydney and brought up in Greece, Martin Johnston's experience of two languages and two cu...
An enthralling new computer game arrives from the creator of Space Demons. Andrew can't resist it...
The Tales of the Otori continue...After the devastating battle of Takahara, the Otori have allied...
'He knew in his heart that the dog belonged to someone else, but at the same time he felt quite s...
Approximate Life: The Prince and Other Stories brings together three acclaimed collections for th...