In The Demise of the Library School, Richard J. Cox places the present and future of professional...
Oftentimes, academic librarians are not fully conscious of the role that their libraries play in ...
A growing number of librarians are engaged with critical theories such as critical pedagogy, femi...
Feminist pedagogy employs strategies such as collaborative learning, valuing experiential knowled...
Librarians tend to love their work and consider librarianship a great career. This book is by a t...
Filomena Magavero was an academic librarian at SUNY Maritime College in the Bronx, New York, wher...
Since library instruction's very beginnings librarians and writing instructors have been natural ...
Providing both a theoretical framework and practical guidance, this title introduces feminist ped...
Psychology is a factor in virtually every aspect of librarianship. Beyond the expected psychologi...
It is difficult to turn on the television or read a news story today without learning about how g...
In librarianship today, we encourage voices from our field to join conversations in other discipl...