Liberty Fund's six-volume The Collected Works of Frédéric Bastiat series, of which The Man a...
Contains the author's account of human nature, the supreme good and greatest happiness, divine pr...
Drawing deeply from Aristotle and biblical teaching, 'Politic' presents a unique vision of the co...
Christian Thomasius's natural jurisprudence is essential to understanding the origins of the...
The Federalist, by Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, and John Jay, constitutes a text central to...
Essential to Mises's concept of a classical liberal economy is the absence of interference by the...
As always during its long history, English common law, upon which American law is based, has had ...
Philosophical Commentary deals with church and state, religious toleration, legal enforcement of ...
The Liberty Fund edition of Characteristicks presents the complete 1732 text of this classic work...
Since the inadequacies of the Industrial Revolution remain a key factor in most critiques of capi...
These volumes span 65 years of Seldon's influential thought and elaborate on the genesis of ...
'Spencer provides us with an intellectual adventure rarely matched, especially in our own epoch.'...