An enduring question for democratic government is how much power or administrative discretion sho...
Utilizing a field study on felons that were within one year of completing incarceration, Pinkard ...
Wallace explores the role and methods of media suppression in the South during the civil rights m...
Hong and Su compare the evolution of media laws across the world, focusing on representative coun...
The property rights 'movement,' a coalition of mineral industry actors, anti-government propagand...
Ethiopians form the third largest post-1960 African immigrant in the U.S. Over the years, their m...
Women, Migration, and Domestic Work on the Texas-Mexico Border
Battin tests collective efficacy theory by accounting for additional measures of informal social ...
Community policing is in decline, threatened with obsolescence by data-driven practices like COMP...
Williams examines TASER use and high-risk group theory, which posits that people with certain phy...
Immigrant and Native Black College Students: Social Experiences and Academic Outcomes
Miller demonstrates how religion affects every aspect of the judicial system by focusing on relig...