After 28 years in the shadows, Alex Black, the bitter, estranged daughter of the world's most ico...
In 1911, when an ambitious female assistant postmaster in NYC is demoted to a post office in rura...
In a world being rapidly destroyed by global warming, when Thor's son Magni learns that he and Al...
An inspiring story, in the spirit of Field of Dreams, about one of our nation's most eccentric an...
He walked by faith, not by sight . . .Paul Osborne ('The Oz') is an extremely successful right-wi...
HE YELLED. AMERICA LISTENED. Mary had seen her fill of tragedy by the time she sought refuge in ...
In this grounded sci-fi thriller propelled by family drama, an epileptic teenager develops strang...
Inspired by one of America's most astounding David and Goliath stories. In 1900, at a time when t...
Eternity has a price . . . Harriet has lived a long, fulfilling life, surrounded by a loving fam...
How much is a life worth?It's 2010 and Frank has had about enough of left-wing crazies forcing th...