Cretaceous Dawn is a science fiction novel exploring time travel and spontaneous scientific anoma...
The Penny Appeal Story tells in his own words, the remarkable account of how a young British Musl...
The Devastating Wake describes the environmental and social impacts of 13,000 voyages from New En...
There have been literally hundreds of books about T. E. Lawrence, best known as Lawrence of Arabi...
When Max turns nasty and his killer instinct kicks in, Each Day a Small Victory gets to the blood...
The most influential voyages of all time were launched on a misunderstanding. When Columbus set s...
Cook's Endeavour: Voyage to Botany Bay
FIRE ON THE ISLAND is a playful, romantic thriller set in contemporary Greece, with a gay Greek-A...
WHAT I FORGOT TO TELL YOU is an engrossing coming-of-age love story, sans any sugar-coating, abou...