Amazon Besieged tells the story of two writers' long investigative trip along the basin in 2016 a...
Voices of Latin America tells the story of the major issues, conflicts and campaigns for social j...
The Amazon in Times of War presents both direct and indirect evidence showcasing the deliberate s...
Once a byword for military repression and human rights abuses, Chile's image is now that of a dyn...
This 1978 review, opens up the debate with articles which look at the nature of British aid, trad...
An examination of the banana trade from planting in the Eastern Caribbean to purchase in Britain,...
One day, old man Antonio is walking in the mountainous jungles of Chipas with his old friend Subc...
The idyllic landscapes of the Eastern Caribbean belie a dramatic and often cruel history. Fought ...
The Mapuche of what is today southern Chile and Argentina were the first and only indigenous peop...
First published in 1994, this work has become established as one of the standard texts on urbaniz...
Uruguay: Generals Rule describes the historical background to Uruguay today and chronicles the br...
After the installation of a civilian government in 1986, many Guatemalans hopes for a sharp break...