In a world torn by racial, social, economic, political, and gender tensions, the message of Roman...
Paul's epistle to the Colossians was written to a group of Christians who still held on to their ...
The Asia Bible Commentary Series empowers Christian believers in Asia to read the Bible from with...
Depuis plusieurs décennies, les institutions de formation des pays émergents désirent évoluer ver...
From Calvinist to Catholic, from Charismatic to AmaZioni, the Rainbow Nation has one of the most ...
God's interest in the entirety of our existence and the details of his creation is quite rightly ...
Today the Asian church ministers in a multi-religious and often multi-cultural environment and fa...
Though the makeup of the church worldwide has undeniably shifted south and east over the past few...
Though the global center of Christianity has been shifting south and east over the past few decad...
La formation théologique est une dimension clé de la mission chrétienne. Encadrer des doctorants ...
How does the church's calling to take the whole gospel to the whole world manifest in contexts of...
Asian Christian female servant-leaders have faced painful and humbling experiences in their leade...