Two rival gang members from LA's story of making their infamous pop-up restaurant a place for pea...
Jeremy Meeks first catapulted to fame when his mugshot went viral, earning him the nickname “Pris...
Embark on a culinary and spiritual journey with 'In Love With Spoons,' as it masterfully blends m...
An unprecedented breakdown of the NYPD’s powerful network of policeunions, pro-police lawyers, an...
An electrifying journey into the glamorous yet secretive world of celebrity styling in Beverly Hi...
''K'wan does a masterful job of keeping readers on their toes right up to the very last page.'-Pu...
It's the beginning of the end for Netta, the self-proclaimed leader of the Pussy Pound, as she la...
B-More Careful takes sex, lies, and betrayal to the next level in this action-packed, fast-paced,...
Top-notch street of the top urban fiction novels of the year.' - Library JournalAll he ...
'Celess and Tina are at the top of their game. They've got the looks and the bodies to attract at...
Asia, Persia, and Egypt are legends in the world of killing for cash. But when a job comes along ...
Power finds himself in the middle of a love triangle gone wrong with a label owner and his lead s...