Diabhal (gaelic for 'devil') follows Ceit Robertson as she explores the true nature of evil and w...
In a small town where no one is allowed to ever leave, a rebellious girl recruits the help of a s...
Emily Morris got her happily-ever-after earlier than most. Married at a young age to a man she lo...
All the Acorns on the Forest Floor tells the poignant and moving stories of multiple characters l...
Cover Your Tracks tells the gripping story of Margo Fletcher, eight-and-a-half months pregnant, w...
Book two of this captivating occult, horror series is told in parallel threads, the beginning and...
This gripping new novel takes place in the heart of NYC and involves the theft of a holy statue, ...
The sinister conclusion to Kathleen Kaufman's thrilling Diabhal series finds humanity plunged int...
In this supernatural thriller, six teenagers attempt to survive the horrors - both human and supe...
'200 is a wild, sexy, twisted, and darkly entertaining trip into the future and deep into the hum...
No Hiding in Boisetells the stories of three women brought together by a mass shooting at a bar i...
One Stupid Thing follows four teens as they navigate the mystery surrounding a tragic, deadly acc...