The first installment in Karolinum's new Václav Havel Series--which aims to continue the philosop...
Sometimes called the Czech Bukowski, and more widely known by the epithet 'Magor' (which translat...
A comprehensive reader on the Czech literary avant-garde. In recent years a prominent trend in t...
A complete history of Bohemian architecture during the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries.The a...
A critical examination of the life and legacy of Charles IV.Charles IV, King of Bohemia and Holy ...
This book blurs the line between high and low culture throughout literary history.The common stor...
A critical examination of the history of Israel.When did Israel begin? The origins of ancient Isr...
Contextualizes the Czech Reformation in the setting of Prague University.The Czech Reformation of...
A new translation of a classic work of structuralist criticism.Originally published in 1931, Otak...
A reassessment of fundamental scholarship on the Middle Ages, based on previously unknown medieva...
Contextualizes literary texts and other cultural artifacts generated using the latest technologic...
A history of military-technological innovation in Russia.This book traces the dynamics of militar...