Jack 'Wacko' Curran, a rising young player in the Boston underworld, dreams of replacing a drug-d...
Detective Romilia Chacon is back again--and another serial killer is on her heels. She has gone f...
When you're a contract killer, even the best in the business, losing your job means losing your l...
Ex-DEA agent Jack Merchant and 'repo woman' Sarah Ballard court death on the high seas in a new m...
The bachelor party guy's weekend has become a staple of the Las Vegas strip. The Las Vegas Little...
Saucy insider Sullivan offers the perfect entree to that unforgettable no-tell weekend for single...
'Daimons are not demons.' So begins this magical, utterly beguiling new novel that weaves a lushl...
Tilly Quilter, a sassy, opinionated New York fire investigator, knows that something's amiss when...
A powerful and shocking novel that delves deep into the male psyche.
'The Mayday' is the second installment of an acclaimed new series featuring ex-DEA Agent Jack Mer...
Behind the glitter and the hype of the music business, Devil Barnett discovers a world of drugs, ...
Jackson Steeg is a disgraced cop at loose ends in Hell's Kitchen, when a dead hooker shows up on ...