Jewish Family Retreats is a rich resource for all areas of Jewish education. It provides expert g...
Deepening the Commitment: Zionism and the Conservative Masorti Movement
Drawing on the vast resources of the biblical-rabbinic tradition and of general philosophic and r...
Over fifty scholars, rabbis and lay leaders offer their insights and reflections on the Jewish Th...
Textual Knowledge: Teaching the Bible in Theory and in Practice
Over twenty years have passed since Professor Saul Lieberman died on his way to Israel. Yet despi...
Life Goes On MORE Kapusta or Cabbage carries on with life where the original Kapusta or Cabbage l...
Vision At Work: The Theory and Practice of Beit Rabban
Kashrut is a system of laws which tells what foods are 'fit' to eat. Kashrut divides food into th...
Essays in Education and Judaism in Honor of Joseph S. Lukinsky
This unique manual has spiritual exercises, guided meditations, and lesson plans that bring the e...
This lesson is based upon the concepts gleaned from the illuminating writing of the Chancellor og...