Imagine discovering the locked diary of a long-ago prominent official who recorded in it his unva...
During the scandal of the 1990s, the media force-fed America and the world a steady diet of Monic...
Bedlam erupted among 1,500 ecstatic supporters when Bobby and Ethel Kennedy appeared. Looking tan...
Bedlam erupted among 1,500 ecstatic supporters when Bobby and Ethel Kennedy appeared. Looking tan...
On to Chicago: Rediscovering Robert F. Kennedy and the Lost Campaign of 1968 told the story (thro...
Look Mom-I'm a Congressman! takes you behind the scenes on what really happens after a guy wins e...
Look Mom-I'm a Congressman! Takes you behind the scenes on what really happens after a guy wins e...
'I absolutely devoured this book! ' ~Cynthia WilliamsLaurel Falls, N.C. 1989: I couldn't believe ...
2023 Royal Dragonfly Book Award: Picture Books 6 & Older Winner!
'EXCELLENT. EXCELLENT. EXCELLENT. Lynda McDaniel has the gift of putting the reader right there i...
If you're like most people, you're starved for healthy silence. Today, you're likely to spend 11 ...