This is an Urban Fantasy story set in London, New York and Washington. The president is convinced...
This is a steampunk story set in 1850. A dangerous revolutionary has been arrested and imprisoned...
This is an alternate history novel, set at the time of the collapse of the Roman Empire. The empi...
This is an alternate history novel set in Europe in the fifth century. The Roman empire has split...
This is a steampunk novel set in 1848. Revolutionaries have tried to overthrow monarchies in coun...
Anne Rossie hated the Civil War. Her brother had marched off to battle and had not come back. The...
In 1851, the United States and the British Empire have stumbled into a war. The veterans of the U...
Lord Palmerston has a grand plan to destroy the Russian Empire and seize the Caucasus as a Britis...
This is an urban fantasy story with a political twist. The Royal Telepaths work in secret. That n...
Texan adventurers have invaded Cuba. Lord Palmerston, the British Foreign Minister, is outraged a...
This is an Urban fantasy story, set on contemporary Britain and the Middle East. It is a thriller...
This is an alternate history story set at the end of the Roman empire. The empire has split into ...