The Argonian Empire creates a Galactic guard force to counter their increasing border disputes; b...
The human race faces total destruction by an inter-dimensional evil being called Ego, but is unaw...
Doomsday survival prepping is a lifestyle and hobby for many people hoping to survive a catastrop...
Mathew loses his finance in Nepal but finds true love again in London. The founders of the Yimen ...
The Argonian Empire creates a Galactic guard force to counter their increasing border disputes; b...
An alien race teeters on the brink of civil war by treacherous royal blood with an assassination ...
The end of days is at hand with the appearance of super assassins and the unveiling of human and ...
A romantic and legal tragedy giving a new name to the phrase - good versus evil. Richard, known a...
The human race faces total destruction by an inter-dimensional evil being called Ego, but is unaw...
Book eight in the Superhero Epic series. Estabon and Eduardo Ramirez enter the Vietnam War, seein...
Steve and four superhumans he never met before in his life assemble on an uninhabited island. The...
This how to book encompasses from general to very specific information on creating both an eBook ...