New Enlarged EditionCHANAKYA was undoubtedly ancient Indias finest political strategist and thin...
In an ancient village, a retired billionaire possesses a secret diary! Within its pages are insig...
Easy Techniques to Remember Names, Faces, Calanders, Dates, Telephone Numbers, Foreign Language, ...
More and more organizations and management scholars are acknowledging the need to find new ways t...
SECOND EDITIONNegotiation & Communication at the WorkplaceA must-have guide for every workplac...
This book is a product of 25 years of author's intense thinking and extensive research on this su...
In 1603, Paru a young concubine is on the run. A precious jewel, her only possession has been sto...
Its not just a book Its a MOVEMENT!Dissolve the Box (DTB) is a revolutionary movement to identif...
Recapturing the mythical journey of love and longing in contemporary IndiaInspired by the story ...
Kitty Mehta's days revolve around college applications, school projects, and Halloween parties li...
Translated by SUCHITRA IYERTales of madness, mischief & mayhemBefore the overly dramatic movies w...
Authentic narration of the epic with life lessonsTurning Bad into GoodThe Ramayana is not a st...