Focuses on problems in banking that have the potential not only for disrupting the smooth provisi...
Aims to provide a forum for researchers concerned with appraising and significantly transforming ...
Leadership programs are an intriguing, important, half-concealed force in higher education today....
Research in learning and behavioral disabilities, employing a variety of methods and techniques, ...
Addresses such management accounting issues as: budgeting and investment decisions, compensation ...
Focuses on the economics of obesity. This work assesses the impact of food quality, access to fas...
Setting out the reasons why empirical research and theory are at odds, this book suggests formula...
Contains papers that range from explorations of individual action in organizational change to stu...
Since his death in 1994, the understanding of Jacques Ellul's significance appears to have deepen...
Henry Rand Hatfield (1866-1945) was the first dean of the Chicago business school and the second ...
There is a growing interaction between economists and sociologists engaged in the study of organi...