A world-class magic train between Belfast and Regulus is about to begin its inaugural journey, an...
Kaoru reunites with Reiko and Kyoko, and the trio known as KKR is back together for the first tim...
'Having dealt with the threat of rogue classmate Yuuki Tachibana, Yogiri and Tomochika find that ...
Just how many lives has Mia saved in Sunkland? Well, there's Sion, King Abram, and even Echard......
With the events of the tower behind them, Yogiri and Tomochika begin making their way through the...
The fate of the Fire Clan resting on her shoulders, Mia heads off on the Matching of Steeds-a two...
Times may have changed, but not the trio of girls known as KKR! Kaoru, Kyoko, and Reiko have puni...
To the Rescue!Greater duchies, the Sovereignty, the royal family, even the gods themselves-Rozemy...
Ferdinand senses danger on the horizon. Dark clouds hang over him, twisting and turning into a de...
Within the dungeon, a famous weapon is nothing more than a basic blade. Even a broadsword that's ...
After having fulfilled the requirements for his promotion to Rank S, Kelvin, the eccentric Summon...
Leaving their growing entourage behind, Yogiri and Tomochika set sail on a cruise ship for the ea...