In 2012, The National Fisherman, a leading Maine-based trade magazine for commercial fishing, don...
'While fishing on Stony Brook, Hector Fox and his friend find an old map hidden in a floating bot...
In this bittersweet memoir of two decades of dairy farming, Trudy Chambers Price writes of the da...
Who would want to catch fox kits? And why? Cooper, Packrat, and Roy must protect a fox den, find ...
Cheerful Ruby LaRue and her shy friend Eleanor Bandaranaikes couldn't be more different. Ruby has...
Northern Maine retains qualities of life that many people long for in today's world. The pace can...
Join Mika and her father on a walk through the woods to experience the sights, sounds, smells, an...
Ruth Moore was a literary giant of regional fiction during the mid-20th Century, compared favorab...
Father Fell Down the Well is a wonderful collection of traditional Downeast stories collected and...