For over two decades, philosopher Tyson E. Lewis has produced an impressive and sprawling body of...
'Along with other progressive and revolutionary organizers and activists, I've been waiting for t...
The Journey of the Farmers' Rebellion highlights the stories of a critical period in Indian agric...
José Carlos Mariátegui was born in Moquegua, Peru, to a poor mestizo family on July 14, 1894. Con...
Peace! Land! Bread!This was the rallying cry of the Bolsheviks that united the disparate revolu...
Peace, Land, and Bread is a leading voice of international communist scholarship, offering Marxis...
'After a long century-thanks to the careful translation by Taylor Genovese-we finally have Alexan...
'As the crises of imperialist capitalism continues to worsen, Ford's pedagogy of the encounter pr...
This edition of the English translation of J. V. Stalin's Works has been reproduced faithfully fr...
This edition of the English translation of J. V. Stalin's Works has been reproduced faithfully fr...
Exploring the nexus between aesthetics, pedagogy, and politics illustrates the central role educa...
The Dark contains selected writings and talks from former Irish Republican Army volunteer, politi...