The Idries Shah Anthology is a special collection of previously published work by Idries Shah, an...
Oriental Magic is recognized as a brilliant study of how, what and why people think, in territori...
In Idries Shah's Wisdom of the Idiots, the 'idiots' are Sufis, called this because their wisdom p...
Warning: when you pop, you can't stop!Like a famous brand of crisps, these stories are addictive....
The Way of the Sufi presents an unparalleled cross-section of material from Sufi schools, teachin...
First published in 1957, The Secret Lore of Magic contains within it a series of major source-boo...
Do you command it?Or does it command you?The commanding self is the bundle of conditioned respons...
In December of 1979, Soviet tanks rolled across the borders of Afghanistan, beginning a period of...
AMERICAN ENGLISH EDITION The Englishman's Handbook is the third book in Idries Shah's best-sellin...
In Idries Shah's Wisdom of the Idiots, the 'idiots' are Sufis, called this because their wisdom p...
How can it be that the same story is found in Scotland and also in Pre-Columbian America? What ca...
What is Sufism?The book follows the Sufi principle of 'scatter' in answering this unanswerable qu...