Bruce Harris has left an indelible mark on public law across the common law world. In this Festsc...
This volume undertakes a multidisciplinary examination of the United Nations Convention on the Ri...
Comparative Concepts of Criminal Law
This Research Guide to Instruments of International Organizations focuses on how to find and use ...
In recent decades, the liability of public authorities has been one of the main areas of devel-op...
Annotated Leading Cases of International Criminal Tribunals - Volume 74: The Special Tribunal for...
Transitional Justice, Impunity and the Judicialization of Politics
Biofuels are promoted as a type of renewable energy from biomass that replaces fossil fuels in tr...
European law affects national private law in many ways. This is not only true for EU Directives, ...
In times of the proclaimed 'refugee crisis' this book aims to shed light on human rights and refu...
This volume contains the contributions delivered at CEFL's sixth international conference, which ...
This book extensively analyses obligations connected to property rights, or 'real obligations', i...