Greg is BACK! Back in Time in Greg's Second Adventure in Time. As Greg once more time travels, he...
Archaeology, time travel, and a moose hunt combine to force 12-year-old Greg to face his fears an...
Leah's Story tells of an African-American girl born on a rice plantation, who grows up serving he...
Amidst the forested hills of North Carolina, a girl, daughter of a long hunter, dreamed of a land...
From learning new skills at the Smithsonian's Time Travel Investigative Unit's headquarters to ti...
C.M. Huddleston's award-winning Adventures in Time series takes Greg and later Rose on a differen...
Greg and Rose make a dynamic time-traveling team. So, the evil, artifact-stealing Pirate separate...
Greg's time traveled twice before. In both adventures he met American Indians, some friendly and ...
Eleven holiday stories from nine amazing authors! Winter Wonder brings you a confection of Christ...