In the heart of Manhattan, Alexa, a seemingly ordinary bartender with the ability to see and mani...
In 'Cipher of Sanity,' Detectives Elise Bennett and Leo Marquez navigate the complex and shadowy ...
In the mythical realm of Eldoria, darkness begins to creep from the forgotten ruins of Keldrin, t...
'The Echo Chamber' is a riveting mystery novel set in the fog-shrouded town of Echo Ridge, where ...
'Cupid's Canines: Tales from the Heartsville Clinic' explores the heartwarming world of Dr. Nora ...
The conclusion of Mysthallan's tale showcases a city rejuvenated and resilient, thriving in the a...
Dive into the thrilling heart of New York City where Nathanial Dove, a skilled private investigat...
In 'The Final Reflection: Shadows of Justice,' Detective Ian Mercer faces the darkest case of his...
In the tranquil suburb of Greendale, the peace is shattered by a series of late-night break-ins a...
In the quiet, dimly lit clinic of Dr. Adrian Harrow, mirrors are more than just reflective surfac...
In the bustling steampunk city of Cogsden, Princess Elyana, known as the Masked Diplomat, maneuve...