Grappling with the challenge of Wallace Stevens' masterpiece, 'Thirteen ways of looking at a blac...
This intriguing and often raucously funny collection by Brett Riley marries ingenious plots, inno...
In their own ways, the stories in TexasSoundtrack are as musical as the songs thatinspired them, ...
After the electricity went off in the United States, the country suffered a great fire, and survi...
In Into the Thicket, H. Palmer Hall, reminds us that an East Texas pine tree blown over by a stor...
Originally published: Austin: University of Texas Press, 1966.
In Jim McGarrah's third poetry collection, the present is often eclipsed by the ghosted past of V...
Fox's poetic canvas is vast, deftly painted with an array of dazzling colors. The subjects of her...
Original poetry by an important contemporary poet.
Siren Songs from the Heart of Austin does new and vibrant things with narrative. Magical realism ...