In this handbook on the practice of sorcery using tarot cards, S. Rune Emerson utilizes the Rider...
A book on mediumship and working with the spirit world and the energetic body.
Twelve previously-unpublished Wraeththu short stories and novelettes of doomed love and invincibl...
The story of the author's spiritual journey to Hawaii in the 1980s to seek out the ancient gods o...
If you have a child in your life that has the look of the far memory in their eyes, gift them wit...
The Grigori are an ancient race; powerful people who possess abilities and powers humans do not. ...
A science fantasy novel set in Storm Constantine's Wraeththu Mythos. The town of Ferelithia has a...
A novel set in Storm Constantine's Wraeththu Mythos, featuring the horse-hara of the Gimrah tribe.
A fantasy novella set in an alternate Ancient Greece
Previously unpublished grim dark novella by Tanith Lee
A collection of genre short stories by Storm Constantine.
A reinterpretation of the Dendera Zodiac with magical pathworkings to accompany each month of the...