This third collection of short stories by Alice Tawhai explores the complex mix of beauty and hea...
In 1984, architect Scott Warren comes to China on a scholarship to study Daoist buildings, just a...
This collection of essays and selected poetry responds to an address on Samoan religious culture ...
This is the biography of Ngoingoi Pèwhairangi, a loved and respected M?ori leader who was born on...
This is a new biography of the North German missionary Rev. J. F. Riemenschneider, who settled in...
This biography tells the story of a M?ori soldier, Haane Manahi, who showed outstanding bravery u...
This book focuses on what it is like to be a young M?ori person in a New Zealand secondary school...
This is a collection of papers by senior M?ori academics who are experts and have considerable ma...
In this M?ori translation of the Kiriyama Prize Notable Book, acclaimed M?ori novelist Patricia G...
This book, for people who experience anxiety and panic attacks, explains how anxiety occurs and o...
This collection of essays by leading scholars - including academics and professionals from law, m...
My Language, My Inspiration traces the journey between 1972 and 2008 to revitalise the M?ori lang...