This book is a meticulously crafted exploration of one of the most enigmatic and tumultuous regio...
Set in the genre of Terrorism studies, 'Deepsea Rigs - Sitting Ducks for Terror Strikes' is the f...
India remains integral in all the discourses on Asian Century. Eminent scholars have conceptualiz...
This book deals with latest innovations and advancements in fashion and textile industry focusing...
Whether warlike or not, the peoples of South-east Asia have traditionally devoted a great deal of...
'Contemporary Trends and Challenges in Commerce' is an edited book that comprises research papers...
Prime Minister Narendra Modi reiterated (Second Raisina Dialogue, New Delhi, on 17th January 2017...
1962 was a watershed moment in Sino-Indian Relations. Did China's unilateral ceasefire and withdr...
The defence, maritime and aerospace industry is on the verge of a major expansion in this country...
The present book deals with changing trajectories of Indo-Russian Strategic relations. Its basic ...
Morality and Modern Warfare is a thought-provoking and insightful exploration of one of the most ...
India has emerged as a confident and engaging partner in international arena, metamorphosing from...