Economic Thriller!An incredible story of power, romance, revenge, and international finance spann...
In a world where devotion shapes destiny, one young artist's journey will challenge the pillars o...
In a world where Voodoo magic holds the key to life, love, and madness, a cursed ring binds gener...
Musine stood before the communist court, never apologizing for fighting for a free and fair elect...
This is the definitive account of a small group of determined United Airlines employees in their ...
When 12-year-old Sophie Shepherd is orphaned after a motor accident she is left scarred both phys...
An exciting story about family values and friendship, with incredible adventures in an inhospitab...
Everyone is looking for the secret to happiness. Why not give children the secret right from the ...
One of the first successful novels written by a female author in Romania, Hortensia Papadat-Benge...
In County Down, Ireland, in 1767, a nobleman secretly marries his servant, in defiance of law, cl...
The church in America is getting smaller and smaller. Each year average church attendance decreas...
'There is so much to see,' he would say to her when she was a child, 'why would anyone want to st...