Tommy's new book follows the international success of his first book, An Excuse to Draw. As title...
Conceived in 2016, Colour Space serves as a response to the iconic Spot Painting series. Where th...
Between 2006 and 2016, two of contemporary art's biggest names--curator Hans Ulrich Obrist and ar...
Impressions: Heni Editions, Volume 1
In July 2016, English photographer and cookbook author Mary McCartney (born 1969) traveled to Par...
Best known for his installation work encompassing sculpture, video and soundscapes, Philippe Parr...
Perched on a little camping stool, artist Tommy Kane draws what he sees. His remarkable career ha...
The first in-depth publication to uncover the long relationship Francis Bacon enjoyed with France...
Street Art Fine Art presents a collection of classic works of fine art by the Old Masters reinter...
Though Conor Harrington (born 1980) began as an aspiring graffiti artist on the streets of Cork i...
Gilbert & George: The Great Exhibition celebrates 50 years of the creative force of nature that i...
Twenty-one artists, from all walks of life, gathered at the New York Academy of Art on Sunday, Fe...