A comprehensive book on tactics for streamers, including new approaches for trout, steelhead, mus...
Charlie Craven's Basic Fly Tying is a modern course in fly-tying fundamentals, covering the tools...
The definitive resource for tiers and anglers interested in the rich tradition of steelhead flies...
What if you could peer into the fly boxes of the guides who make their living helping people catc...
A thorough exploration of contemporary use of soft-hackle flies--including nymphs, emergers, and ...
Spring creek trout are tough to catch. Mike Heck's book shares the tactics and techniques he teac...
The Shenandoah and Rappahannock Rivers are ideal for relaxation and enjoying nature in a number o...
Whether you fish for stripers with a fly, plug, or bait, this comprehensive resource for catching...
The classic bucktails--Mickey Finn, Black Nose Dace--are some of the very first flies that angler...
A superb collection of advice for tying flies for the toughest fish and strategies for fishing th...
The most comprehensive book on how current affects fly fishing, the good and bad of drag, which c...
In this collection of essays, satirist Ohman covers a wide range of topics about fly fishing. Ill...