It's World War Two in Amsterdam. Teenaged Lena leaves her starving family to travel by train with...
Thirteen-year-old Brodie Lynch was ready for the perfect summer of adventure along the awesome Bl...
A chapter book perfect for early independent readers about change, family tension, and the power ...
Just dumped by his girlfriend, Jace Antonakos has recorded a proclamation in a notebook his Engli...
With her usual warmth, perceptiveness, and humor, Beverly Cleary creates the joys and worries of ...
Fourteen-year-old Ben Random has always been drawn to the ships that skim the blue waters of Lake...
It happens so quickly: a car shoots out from the curb, hits Fiona's father and then speeds away. ...
How can a thirsty crow drink from an almost-empty pitcher? How does arresting a stone help a judg...
Notable Children's Books of 1989 (ALA)Best Books of 1989 (SLJ)Notable 1989 Children's Trade Books...