First published in 1932, this illustrated novel tells the story through letters of Hilary Fane, w...
This satirical speculative novel of political resistance is better known in its abridged form as ...
Topsy¿s extensive social life, her adventures in and out of the House of Commons (and her audacio...
A ground-breaking collection of the best Weird short stories by women from the late nineteenth an...
Kingdoms of Elfin is Sylvia Townsend Warner's final collection of short stories, consisting of si...
In this new selection of Warner's fantasy short fiction, a companion to her Kingdoms of Elfin, th...
What Not is Rose Macaulay¿s speculative novel of post-First World War eugenics and newspaper mani...
The great mid-century British author's memoir of wartime life 'It Was Different At The Time' (ini...
British Weird is a new anthology of classic Weird short fiction by British writers, first publish...
At last, a biography of Valentine Ackland.
E Nesbit was one of the great British Edwardian storytellers, whom we now remember most for her c...
The Runagates Club (1928) was John Buchan¿s last collection of short stories, and is a classic of...