An orphaned teenage girl tries to survive on her own and understand her magical powers while a so...
A novel of Interstellar Contact, Virtual Worlds, and the Essence of Humanity.Earth is empty of hu...
Humanity has moved to the stars; Earth is an old legend. Now the moons of Mitera are home: stormy...
Molly is heading to Pluto. Send in the clones...Molly's Bistro is opening a new branch of the fam...
Beyond the familiar tropes of kings and castles, elves and dragons, there is a whole world of pos...
When a captain trades his cargo of ice to bring home a djinn bride, his life in coastal Maine wil...
Japan has long fascinated with its unique culture and elaborate folklore. This anthology collects...
A young man travels to the city to study magic, but he finds intrigue and revolution.Pavresh hope...
Dema Ägan is a notorious pirate woman, who killed her former captain, stole his ship, and plies t...
Science has learned to understand the soul, and can track souls through this life and beyond.A ...
No Longer Forgotten from History: The Lost Stories of Scotland Revealed.30 fascinating stories fr...
A riotous concoction: fine dining, virtual reality, and murder.Molly Marbles runs a successful bi...