This is a 'first' - focused on introducing young people to the Stock Market - but equally relevan...
'The Tenses, the Aspects, and the Voices of the English Language: Abridged Edition 1.4': (1) expl...
In Austerity England, 1953, England have just won back 'The Ashes' from Australia after 19 years,...
This book contains plain and simple, easy to follow recipes with colour photos, developed and ada...
Miranda's fifth daughter, Kai, desperately wants a pet. Wherever she goes she collects stray anim...
Having been writing poems for many years, in 2018 I was suddenly struck, after a thanksgiving vis...
'Catherine suffers from amnesia brought about by post-traumatic stress.Desperate to recover detai...
The author, John Sandham, uses his personal knowledge and experiences from working in Central Ame...
The series 'Witchy Travel Tales' tells the story of a witch and her seven daughters.This book is ...
Mystery, magic and a generous helping of political intrigue make this fantasy adventure a real pa...
The story is a fantastical adventure, originally devised by children. Women and men, adept at hom...
This is a true story of Molly, who by the age of four had suffered so many beatings and experienc...