A narrative, in graphic novel form, of a young woman coming of age while struggling with an eatin...
They say, 'It is better to light a single candle than to curse the darkness.' Peter Dunlap-Shohl ...
A fictionalized narrative, in graphic novel format, of the author's experiences as a quadriplegic...
'Originally published as L'Odyssâee d'Hakim, volume 1 by Fabien Toulmâe, Editions Delcourt, 2018.'
A narrative, in graphic novel format, following Cristina Durán and Miguel Ángel Giner Bou as they...
'A collection of comics presenting diverse views of menopause. Contributors address a range of li...
'A narrative account, in graphic novel format, of the traumatic experiences faced by children fle...
A graphic novel exploring the challenges and fears of parents whose child has been diagnosed with...
'Follows the stories, in graphic novel format, of two twenty-something roommates, one Christian a...
A graphic novel about navigating the US medical insurance system and receiving fair and adequate ...
'Originally published as L'Odyssãaee d'Hakim, volume 3 by Fabien Toulmâe Editions Delcourt, 2020'...
A narrative, in graphic novel format, of the author's life and experiences as a leukemia patient.