The tenth annual Goose River Anthology, 2012is a fine collection of the best poetry, fiction, and...
The ninth annual Goose River Anthology, 2011is a fine collection of the best poetry, fiction, and...
On a warm summer evening, a young boy named Ja-son skips rocks across the surface of a lake in Ma...
Times and Tides is a memoir of six memorable essays of intensely personal experiences on the coas...
PASSAGE is the story of a woman's strugglethrough the loss of her family, a journey throughgrief,...
Memoir--Dr. Shirley F. B. Carter was born in Boston, Massachusetts during the Great Depression. S...
In her sixth book, Parables of Passages, Carol Altieri continues her moving and vivid exploration...
The following story is not about the struggle of those noble souls who once resided on that dot o...
The twelfth annual Goose River Anthology, 2014is a fine collection of the best poetry, fiction, a...
After tragically losing her parents at a young age, Allie Rhodes always had a deep yearning to fi...
The fifteenth annual Goose River Anthology, 2017is a fine collection of the best poetry, fiction,...
Tilly Fig is about the life of a teenage girl and her best friend. It is a story of love, friends...