Take Charge of Your Life! focuses on life skills and personal development. This exciting text enc...
Motorcycles covers the important aspects of the operation, construction, design, testing, mainten...
The materials, processes and management techniques of industry are covered thoroughly in this new...
With this new edition, Contemporary Living will continue to be a leading text and popular choice ...
DC AC Foundations of Electronics establishes a background so solid that advanced electronics will...
Clothes and Your Appearance is designed to help students understand the importance of clothing in...
Principles of Food Science incorporates science concepts into a lab-oriented foods class. This te...
Understanding Your Changing Life addresses many of the changes teens will experience as a result ...
- Focuses on helping students understand self first, then making a career match.- Identifies the ...
Modern Automotive Technology details the construction, operation, diagnosis, service, and repair ...
Modern Metalworking is a comprehensive text that introduces students to metalworking technology. ...