For centuries, a disreputable family extends the family line through kidnapping, brainwashing, an...
An elegant blind man finds self-esteem in a glass of obscure red wine. A cross dresser discovers ...
Sunrise brings a new day and as always, a set of challenges and problems. See what happens to Owe...
Many years ago, an artist applied the final brush stroke to the portrait of a beautiful woman. Th...
The book is about being a Latin American Social Worker in the United States. In this book the aut...
An architect. A young boy from a broken home. A bride on her honeymoon. An Iraqi war vet. What co...
What is it that brings God great pleasure? Is it the amount of works of the believer? Is it fasti...
Aiden is an active three -year- old who loves dinosaurs and everything about them. Come join him ...
Life is tough and for sure bad things do happen to good people. God's Word tells us we are to exp...
The days of the epic poem are far behind us. So few writers nowadays adopt poetic form of fiction...
'Casual Observations is a collection of loosely connected essays and poetry covering topics from ...
Zac is a smart, athletic, twelve-year-old who enjoys life, having fun, spending time with his fri...