Hidden Scars by Jessica C. Perez is a raw, heartfelt memoir that delves deeply into the complexit...
Set in the Bronx during the 1950s, when postwar immigrant children were placed in their first Ame...
When a poor devout widow begs for a scrap of bread from a rich faithless baker, she promises to p...
A scrapbook of memorabilia chronicles the tender and sometimes zany moments shared between Grandm...
Cuando una pobre viuda devota ruega por pan a un acaudalado panadero desleal, promete su particip...
With exquisite artwork and evocative text, this original fable explores the events of Jesus' life...
When Maria finds the lost key to her neighborhood's city playground, she gathers all her fri...
Innovative writing strategies are presented in this enchanting tale of a writing lion who holds c...
Twirling and whirling, zigging and zagging, numerals dance across the pages, enticing children to...
Set in the Bronx during the 1950s, when postwar immigrant children were placed in their first Ame...
While the rest of her family sleeps, a young girl takes her little brother--whom she knows will b...
Set in the Bronx during the 1950s, when postwar immigrant children were placed in their first Ame...