Title: The diplomatic year: being a review of Mr. Seward's foreign correspondence of 1862.Author:...
Title: The child of feeling: a comedy in five acts.Author: George WatterstonPublisher: Gale, Sabi...
Title: A report of the trial of the Rev. Ephraim K. Avery, before the Supreme Judicial Court of R...
Miscellaneous Poems, on Moral and Religious Subjects.
Title: The printer boy, or, How Ben Franklin made his mark: an example for youth.Author: William ...
Title: The humours of Eutopia: a tale of colonial times.Author: Ezekiel SanfordPublisher: Gale, S...
Title: The know nothing?Author: Multiple Contributors, See NotesPublisher: Gale, Sabin Americana ...
Title: Pictorial history of the Civil War in the United States of America.Author: Benson John Los...
Title: Virginia, especially Richmond, in by-gone days: with a glance at the present: being remini...
Title: Genera of North American plants and a catalogue of the species, to the year 1817.Author: T...
Title: What I saw in New-York, or, A bird's eye view of city life.Author: Joel H RossPublisher: G...
Title: Historical address, of the city of Newport, delivered July 4th, 1876: with an appendix.Aut...