Survive the Future.As Legion Commander Keller attempts to coax the Republic and Black Fleet into...
A Magazine of Science Fiction and Fantasy *** ISSUE 6: January 2014 *** Edited by Mike Resnick...
Please note that earlier issues are still available on, & other...
A Magazine of Science Fiction and FantasyISSUE 21: July 2016Mike Resnick, EditorJean Rab...
The greatest conflict the galaxy has ever known…They were the Savages. Raiders from our di...
A magazine of speculative fiction. Edited by Mike Resnick. Stories by:Nancy Kress, Nick T. Chan, ...
A Magazine of Science Fiction and FantasyISSUE 12: January 2015Mike Resnick, EditorShahi...
A Magazine of Science Fiction and FantasyISSUE 12: May 2016Mike Resnick, EditorJean Rabe,...
A Magazine of Science Fiction and Fantasy *** ISSUE 9: July 2014 *** Mike Resnick, EditorShah...
Forty years after the destruction of is reduced to salvaging the ruins of a br...
Fight to Win.With the galaxy in turmoil, the Legion initiates Article Nineteen, a hard reset desi...
A Magazine of Science Fiction and FantasyISSUE 19: March 2016Mike Resnick, EditorJean Rab...