Dr Karl Shuker has long been world-renowned for his numerous cryptozoological books, articles, an...
In this, his latest anthology of humorous short stories, Jim Jackson introduces us to such well d...
In the modern era, the narrative of Robin Hood's death is increasingly one of the least familiar ...
'Fortean authors are a rare and vanishing breed.They often write about a wide range of peculiar a...
Few people have not heard of the Holy Grail, even if they have only a vague idea of what it is.Th...
In 1958 Gavin Gibbons wrote a children's science-fiction novel By Space Ship to the Moon,which fe...
Human heads have an enduring fascination. Believed to be Celticthe carved Hexham Heads have cast ...
Police officers are widely regarded as amongst the most highly credible of eyewitnesses. And yet ...
Giants, ghouls, haunted graveyards, monsters, dragons, faeries, and alien big cats.These things a...
'Let me take you down, coz were going...' to a place that you may think you know quite well but t...
Fairies were genuinely believed in right the way across Europe in the not-too-distant past, and n...
Introduction, by Brian Allan In the course of researching material for this book I was confronted...