Like a Lake tells the story of Nico, his father (an Italian-American architect) and his mother (a...
Maurice Blanchot : a Critical Biography attempts a critical and theoretical biography by drawing ...
'Moroccan Other-Archives will be of great interest to scholars of the region and the global south...
Transdisciplinary insights at the intersection of religion, democracy, ecology, and economyWhat i...
A collection of essays that outline the recent work on ecology, political theology, religion, and...
How America's greatest marketing triumph in World War II shaped race, ethnicity, and class in mod...
A new perspective on spirituality and social change as seen through the work of six visionary thi...
Provides vital new evidence that Union veterans remained stubbornly opposed to the nation's recon...
Rediscover the Civil War through the voices that refused to be silencedUnforgettable Sacrifice of...
An innovative and much-needed critical work on music and memorialization in relation to AIDS, 9 1...