Fox and BC travel through time from the distant future to 1901. Elite cadets in the Imperial Army...
In a galaxy of cutthroat companies, shadowy clans and a million agendas, spy agency RIM barely wi...
It's the halfway point of the Legends Cup and the competition is hotting up. Only two points behi...
Five pentagram gems. Two people want them. Only one can have them.'Anyone who has read Dragonlink...
When Australia's best-known adventurer moves to Hazard River, Jack, Ben, Mimi and Lachlan want to...
Samantha and Dylan are in love - everyone knows it. They've been together for nearly a year, so i...
Jack Wilde and his friends are on holidays at Hazard River when they discover a dead shark washed...
An all-powerful, enchanted mailshirt from the stars. Six links are missing. An orphan, a streetwi...
Most people have six limited senses.But after a freak accident, Alyzon Whitestarr finds her sense...
'Yo, creepy two-leggers. I'm Bruce, the giant spiderkilling machine and comedian for hire. Hear m...
A sorceress. A swordsman. A thieving larrikin. And their deadliest foe, the omnipotent Wardragon....
The Hazard River series is fast-paced and easy to read, even for reluctant readers. The covers ar...